







中国海洋大学海洋地球科学学院 A410

E-mail: 21120411040@ouc.edu.cn


1. 学习经历



2. 工作简历




3. 学术兼职

Geophysical Research Letters》、《Terra Nova》、《Journal of Ocean University of China》期刊审稿人

4. 主持及参与的科研项目
















1)Junhui Xing, Haowei Xu, Wei Gong*, Boxue Yang, Chuang Liu, 2024. Anisotropic characterization of the Chukchi Boardland based on ocean-bottom seismic experiment during N11-CHINARE. Seismological Research Letters, Accepted. (通讯作者)

2) Wei Gong, Junhui Xing, Qingwei Meng, Lei Xing, Chong Xu, Hao Zhang, 2023. Tectonics of the Solomon Sea Basin from the Vertical Gravity Gradient and Seismic Data. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 97(2), 610-622.doi:10.1111/1755-6724.14993.

3) Wei Gong, Junhui Xing, Chong Xu, Hao Zhang, Yujuan Liu, Wenwen Chen, 2023. Heterogeneous morphology of the Solomon Sea slab along the New Britain trench and its dynamic implications from analysis of seismicity and gravity anomalies. Geological Journal, 58(1), 1-20.doi: 10.1002/gj.4578.

4) Bing Feng, Hao Zhang, Wei Gong*, Junhui Xing, Deyong Li, Chong Xu, Long An, 2022. Teleseismic P-wave tomography of the New-Guinea-Solomon arc system. Journal of Ocean University of China, 21, 694-706.(通讯作者)

5) Long An, Chong Yu, Wei Gong*, Deyong Li, Junhui Xing, Chong Xu, Hao Zhang, 2022. Active depth of main faults in the Ying-Qiong Basin investigated by multi-scale wavelet decomposition of Bouguer Gravity anomalies and power spectral methods. Journal of Ocean University of China, doi:10.1007/s11802-022-4879-4.(通讯作者)

6) Wei Gong, Xiaodian Jiang, Junhui Xing, Chong Xu, Hao Zhang, Long An, Chaoyang Li, 2021. Heterogeneous outer-rise seismicity within the Izu–Bonin subduction zone and its tectonic implications. Geological Journal, 56(9).

7) Chaoyang Li, Xiaodian Jiang, Wei Gong*, Haiting Zhou, Kai Yang, 2021. Differences in east-west thermo-rheological structure and lithospheric deformation in the Qaidam Basin, Northern Tibetan Plateau, China. International Geology Review, 3.(通讯作者)

8) Chaoyang Li, Xiaodian Jiang, Wei Gong*, 2021. Quantifying the contribution of upper-middle crustal shortening and lower crustal thickening to surface uplift in the south-eastern Tibetan Plateau. Geological Journal, 56(7).(通讯作者)

9) Chaoyang Li, Xiaodian Jiang, Wei Gong*, 2021.Thermo-Rheological Structure and Passive Continental Margin Rifting in the Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea, China. Journal of Ocean University of China, 21, 347-360.

10) Wei Gong, Xiaodian Jiang, Junhui Xing, Chong Xu, Xiaoyu Xu, 2019. Heterogeneous strain regime at the west of the Ogasawara Plateau in the Western Pacic Ocean from inversion of earthquake focal mechanisms. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,180, 103868.

11) Wei Gong, Xiaodian Jiang, Haiting Zhou, Junhui Xing, Congying Li, Kai Yang, 2018. Varied thermo-rheological structure, mechanical anisotropy and lithospheric deformation of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 163.

12) Wei Gong, Junhui Xing, Xiaodian Jiang, 2018. Heterogeneous subduction structure within the Pacic plate beneath the Izu-Bonin arc. Journal of Geodynamics, 116: 1-12.

13) Wei Gong, Xiaodian Jiang, Yufan Guo, Junhui Xing, Congying Li, Yang Sun, 2017. Strike-slip tectonics within the northernmost Philippine Sea plate in an arc-continent collisional setting. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 146: 265-278

14) Deyong Li, Xiaodian Jiang, Wei Gong, Chaoyang Li, 2022. Tectonic uplift along the northeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau: Constraints from the lithofacies sequence and deposition rate of the Qaidam Basin. Tectonophysics, 827(3):229270.

15) Liangliang Wang, Liming Dai, Wei Gong, Sanzhong Li, Xiaodian Jiang, Gillian Foulger, Hao Dong, Zhong-Hai Li, Shengyao Yu, 2022. Subduction Initiation at the Solomon Back‐Arc Basin: Contributions From Both Island Arc Rheological Strength and Oceanic Plateau Collision. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(3), e2021GL093369.

16) Liangliang Wang, Liming Dai, Wei Gong, Sanzhong Li, Xiaodian Jiang, Hao Dong, Di Wang, Fakun Li, Shengyao Yu, 2022. Co-Evolution of Parallel Triple Subduction Systems in the New Guinea Region: A Systematic Numerical Study. Frontiers in Earth Science, doi:10.3389/feart.2022.861240.

17) Xiaodian Jiang, Zheng-Xiang Li, Chaoyang Li, Wei Gong, 2019. A Gravity Study of the Longmenshan Fault Zone: New Insights Into the Nature and Evolution of the Fault Zone and Extrusion‐Style Growth of the Tibetan Plateau Since 40 Ma. Tectonics, 38.

18) Chaoyang Li, Xiaodian Jiang, Wei Gong, Deyong Li, Congying Li, 2018. Surface uplift of the Central Yunnan Plateau since the Pliocene. Geological Journal, 53(1), 386-396.

19) Haiting Zhou, Deyong Li, Xiantai Liu, Yushan Du, Wei Gong, 2019. Sweet spot prediction in tight sandstone reservoir based on well-bore rock physical simulation. Petroleum Science, 16.

20)宫伟,姜效典,邢军辉,李德勇,徐冲,2019.新几内亚-所罗门弧俯冲体系动力过程:板块起始俯冲的制约. 海洋地质与第四纪, 39(5),15-30.

21)宫伟, 姜效典. 2017. 哀牢山-红河断裂带哀牢山-大象山段渐新世-早中新世热史演化及成因. 地球科学, 42(2): 223-239.

22)宫伟, 李朝阳, 姜效典. 2017. 青藏高原隆升与南海开启:南海西北部盆-山耦合体系. 地学前缘, 24(4): 268-283.

23) 郭雨帆, 宫伟, 罗佳宏, 汤兰荣, 董非非, 查小惠. 2017. 西北太平洋俯冲带断裂几何学特征. 华北地震科学, 35(4), 1-10.

24)宫伟, 姜效典. 2015. 利用磷灰石裂变径迹约束断裂活动时限的制约因素. 海洋地质与第四纪地质. 35(2): 101-109.

25) 刘大海, 宫伟*, 邢文秀, 李晓璇, 马雪健, 于莹. 2015. 基于AHP-熵权法的海岛海岸带脆弱性评价指标权重综合确定方法. 海洋环境科学, 34(3): 462-467.

26)宫伟, 刘大海, 丁德文, 邢文秀. 2014. 基于近正态分段函数的海岸带脆弱性模糊综合评价模型构建-以黄河河口为例. 海洋开发与管理, 31(7): 1-8.

27) 姜效典,李德勇,宫伟,秘丛永. 2014. 青藏高原东西向差异形变与隆升机制. 地球物理学报, 57(12), 4016-4028.