

海洋地质学是在地球系统科学理论指导下,以海洋现代高新探测技术手段, 研究海底固态圈层的结构特征、物质组成和演化规律,研究海底固态圈层与水圈和生物圈相互作用和耦合机理,以及由此产生的资源和环境效应的科学,其研究成果为人类认识海洋、开发海底资源、保护海洋环境和维护海洋权益提供科学依据。

中国海洋大学海洋地质专业是国内办学最早(1959年)和培养学生最多的学科;1984年获硕士学位授予权,1990年获博士学位授予权,1995年被确立为山东省省级重点学科, 2007年建成海底科学和探测技术教育部重点实验室。现已形成陆-海、理-工、高技术探测-信息技术密切结合的门类齐全的学科体系,拥有以中青年博士、教授为主体的人才梯队。目前,依托先进的海底探测与实验技术手段及承担的数十项国家973863项目和国家自然科学基金等研究课题,将在人才培养、学科建设及出高水平成果方面实现跨越式发展。


Marine geology mainly focuses on lithosphere, including its texture, chemical and mineral component, tectonic characteristics and history evolution, by using high-tech seabed exploring equipments and methods. As a sub-system of the Earth system, marine goelogy also study on the interaction and mass flux between sub-systems, such as litho-hydrosphere, litho-biosphere, and so on.Ore deposit, oil and nature gas, nature gas hydrate that origin in ocean environment are closely related to marine geological processes. Farthermore, marine geology also deals with issues of global change which is one of the most important issue in modern society.

This major was first founded by OUC in China. It covers four research interests: (1) Marine sedimentology; (2) Submarine resources and mineralization; (3) Marine environment and Engineering and 4) Global changes.